Cyber Security Education Consortium
Tulsa, OK
Sujeet Shenoi
Principal Investigator (PI)
CSEC Advances Cybersecurity & Homeland Defense
CSEC’s centers of excellence serve as hubs for education and economic activity in strategic technology areas such as physical systems, secure coding, and mobile communication devices.
In addition to educating 1,500 security degree majors, CSEC institutions helped 721 incumbent workers upgrade their physical system and cybersecurity skills during 2014-15. These workers included Department of Defense employees and federal, state, and local law enforcement personnel. They completed intense multi-day programs in mobile and embedded device forensics that align with industry certifications. Due to their expertise and hands-on experience, CSEC graduates are highly sought after by business, industry, government, the military and intelligence community.
Faculty Expertise Supports Economic Development
CSEC began in 2004 with 11 cybersecurity instructors at eight Oklahoma institutions. As a result of its successful initiatives, CSEC now has 43 active twoyear program sites in eight states with 111 active faculty members offering courses based on CSEC’s core information assurance and forensics curriculum. Altogether 408 faculty have attended CSEC professional development; they have developed 70 distinct courses.
CSEC institutions offer rigorous cybersecurity curricula encompassing information assurance principles, secure electronic commerce, network security, enterprise security management, and digital forensics. CSEC is now creating centers of excellence in automation and control systems and mobile communications device. The University of Tulsa also developed three state-of-the-art forensics courses, and five CSEC institutions have developed automation and control systems curricula.
CSEC’s centers of excellence serve as hubs for education and outreach activities in strategic technology areas, providing launching points for job growth and spin-off companies.