2021’s National Visiting Committee Report Completed — On to 2022
Two weeks ago, the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) hosted its annual grant review panel, the National Visiting Committee (NVC), online and in person. Convening an NVC is a requirement of any National Science Foundation grant to ensure that grant goals are being fulfilled. The committee consists of subject matter experts in education, IT business, and futurist.
The NVC helps provide support and guidance that will assist the CTC to achieve its grant goals of…
• Improving IT programs to meet workforce needs
• Increasing the number of completers in IT programs
• Creating regional hubs of community colleges, high schools, and universities
• Expanding the reach and depth of overall dissemination
Often the NVC will make additional suggestions and recommendations on ways to improve the CTC’s pursuit of those goals.
As a result, the CTC spent 2021 following NVC’s suggested recommendations, and the beginning of 2022 preparing reports on what was accomplished. Details of their progress were presented earlier this month in the renowned read-ahead packet — a 40-page comprehensive almanac of 2021 highlights, packed full of data and metrics, plus testimonials illustrating how the grant pursued its goals. For those that participate? in CTC’s surveying and provide? CCN reports this packet sheds light on a compilation of those numbers.
As a bonus, during the meeting, the CTC hosted a panel discussion with IT students in the Convergence College Network (CCN) program — the purpose of the National CTC is to impact students in the classroom. The panel provides a forum for student questions to discuss their IT college experience and future endeavors. The NVC also has an opportunity to ask questions and give career advice to the students.
Once the presentations are delivered and the read-ahead packet is thoroughly reviewed and discussed amongst the NVC panel, the CTC is informed verbally about how to make improvements to better attain the grant’s goals and given formal commendations on the tasks the grant did well. Eventually, the NVC submits a formal written summary of its review, which is attached to a report submitted to the National Science Foundation in the summer. And there you have it. The NVC meeting is considered one of the most important meetings the CTC holds every year.