Amy Y. Garrison
Leadership Team Amy Y. Garrison
CTC Grant Coordinator Social/Digital Media
Phone: 972.377.1737
Amy Garrison joined Collin College in January 2017 as the Administrative Assistant for the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC). In September of 2017, she took on the duties of CTC's web communication specialist and in 2018 became the Social Media Coordinator for CTC. As coordinator, she administers the center’s social media marketing and advertising, which includes but is not limited to deliberate planning and goal setting, content management, SEO (search engine optimization) and generation of inbound traffic. She maintains CTC and IT Skill Standards 2020 and Beyond websites; designs and create flyers and other promotional materials for IT events. She edits all CTC's videos and serves as the videographer and photographer for various events and projects.
Amy has a passion for communication and creativity; she holds a M.A. in Organizational Communication from Bowie State University and a B.A. in Corporate Journalism from Auburn University. She is a published poet; and prior to Collin College, Amy worked eight years at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. as a Program Specialist and Graphic Design Production Manager.