David Keathly
Leadership Team David Keathly
National Convergence Technology Center
E-Mail: david.keathly@unt.edu
David Keathly is a faculty advisor at the University of Texas for the IEEE Computer Society, ACM Student Chapter, UNT Robotics Club, and the UNT Programming Teams. He is involved with the university's recruiting and retention programs and serves as Principal Lecturer in Computer Science and Engineering. He is the Program Coordinator for the BA in IT program and Director of K-12 Outreach and the Teach North Texas (TNT) CS Teacher Prep program, and his research interests are in the areas of Computer Vision, Robotics, Information Visualization, and Computational Epidemiology.
Before joining the UNT faculty as a Lecturer and Undergraduate Advisor, David served as adjunct faculty for Collin County Community College, Western International University, University of Phoenix and the University of Texas at Dallas. He was an SGA Honors Professor in 2005 and received awards for Outstanding Service from the College of Engineering Business Advisory Council, and Outstanding Advisor from the UNT Student Life Office, both in 2008.
David received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering (Computer Option) from Oklahoma State University in 1984 and an M.S. Degree in Electrical Engineering, also from OSU in 1985. Currently, he is pursuing a PH.D. in Computer Science and Engineering. He has over 20 years of experience in developing military systems in intelligence gathering and flight mission planning, as well as commercial automation products, including a patent in image processing, entrepreneurial activities in founding four successful companies.