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Join us at our May 2023 BILT Summit

If you’ve ever wondered about all the hype surrounding the BILT (Business and Industry Leadership Team) Model, this spring is your chance to learn more. The National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) is planning to host a special two-day, in-person “BILT Summit” May 8-9, 2023 for IT program faculty and administrators. The goal is to provide attendees a hands-on understanding of the BILT Model and how to implement it at their home program. This event will be hosted at Collin College in Frisco, Texas just north of Dallas.

Stock photo of granite mountain at sunrise.

In addition to explaining the overall strategies and key processes for successfully using the BILT Model, attendees will also learn how to recruit the “right” employers to join their BILT, how to efficiently manage the annual job skills vote meeting, and how to divide a departmental BILT across multiple disciplines to better leverage employer know-how.

The BILT Summit has been scheduled in conjunction with the National CTC’s annual BILT vote on entry-level job skills. That way, attendees will spend Monday, May 8 in the workshop class, then Tuesday, May 9 in the KSA vote meeting to see first-hand how the annual job skills validation process works.

But wait, there’s more! The CTC will reimburse attendee airfare and hotel expenses. Tuition to the workshop itself is free.

Participating schools must send two attendees: a faculty member and a administrator (department chair or dean). This is to help ensure a broader institutional buy in of the BILT Model and boost the odds of its successful adoption.

If you’re interested in being added to the invite list, email Mark Dempsey. Formal workshop invites will go out in late January.

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