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PHOTOS: HI-TEC 2014 in Chicago

Pre-conference Workshop

The CTC along with several partners from across the country presented a pre-conference workshop at HI-TEC: “Implementing Free Virtual Labs and Free Curricula to Teach Information Technology and Cybersecurity”. Video from the workshop of each presenter will be available on our YouTube channel in the next few weeks, so check back.

Rich Weeks of NDG

Rich Weeks discussing NDG at our workshop

Attendees at pre-conference workshop

Attendees enjoying the Virtual Labs presentation

Bill Saichek

Bill Saichek discusses how to stand up a NetLab

Attendees helping each other

Attendees helping each other with the hands-on lab

Julie Hietschold

Julie Hietschold explains how to log in to the virtual lab

Bill Saicheck and attendees

Bill helping attendee with the hands-on virtual lab demo

Israel Aladejebi, Century College

Malicious Documents and Memory Forensics presented by Israel Aladejebi from Century College

Keynotes and Lunch Awards

The intro keynote was presented by Chad Jenkins, discussing how robotics and automation are changing our world. Click here to view the video of Chad’s keynote presentation. One of my favorite things about this presentation was he had a few live demos, one with a roaming robot that allows people in remote locations to interact with others, and the other was controlling a drone with a html5 and javascript programmed  interface.

Another highlight of this year’s HI-TEC conference was our nomination of Glenn Wintrich for the Industry Recognition Award. We were so honored to present him with this award for his endless support of our program and our students. View the video of Glenn being presented with the award.

Chad Jenkins

Chad Jenkins showing us how they programmed an interface to control drones

Ann Beheler

Ann Beheler introducing Glenn Wintrich, winner of the Industry Recognition Award

Glenn Wintrich

Glenn Wintrich accepting the Industry Recognition Award

Ann Beheler, Glenn Wintrich, Celeste Carter

Glenn Wintrich with Dr. Ann Beheler and Dr. Celeste Carter

CTC crew with Glenn Wintrich

CTC crew with the Industry Recognition Award winner Glenn Wintrich

Student Poster Presentations

Three students from our partner schools, Georgia Southern University, El Centro College and Collin College, came to HI-TEC to present at the poster session. They did an excellent job on their posters and we were proud to have them represent the CTC. We have the full versions of their posters available on our website. Check them out!

Ramon Alvarez, GSU

Ramon Alvarez, Georgia Southern Student presenting a poster on Using Cloud-Based Labs

Timothy Savala II, DCCCD

Timothy Savala II, El Centro College student presenting a poster on CCNP Delivery of Enterprise Solutions

Chelsea Hall-Fitzgerald, CC

Chelsea Hall-Fitzgerald, Collin College student presenting a poster on network configurations

CTC Student Poster Presenters

CTC Student Poster Presenters

HI-TEC Sessions

We had several CCN members and industry partners presenting sessions at HI-TEC this year. Videos from these sessions will be available on our YouTube channel also.


Israel Aladejebi of Century College presenting at HI-TEC

Cybersecurity Session at HI-TEC

Full house for Israel Aladejebi’s presentation
Bridging the Cybersecurity Gap at HI-TEC

Rich Weeks, NDG

Rich Weeks of NDG discussing using the NetLabs for
EMC’s Cloud Infrastructure and Services labs

Bill Saichek

Bill Saichek sharing info on EMC’s CIS labs

Bill Saichek

Bill’s presentation: Is Teaching Cloud Computing in Your Future?

Exhibit Hall and Booth

There was a grand exhibit hall this year at HI-TEC, with so many different ATE centers, projects, industry companies and partners. Our booth was busy during each break, with the team sharing info to interested attendees about the CTC, our program, resources and CCN.

Heather O'Neil

Heather O’Neil discussing the CCN with an attendee

Heather O'Neil

Heather talking about the benefits of joining the CCN

Ann Beheler and Celeste Carter

Ann Beheler, CTC and Celeste Carter, NSF

CTC group

Some of the many CTC team and partners at the booth

Fun photos from other booths in the exhibit hall. There were some really cool displays out this year!!


FLATE’s little robot, so cute!

Flow Control

Armfield thermal fluid applications teaching systems
for use in the classroom

3-D printing

3-D printing!



Copper film transfer


Baxter the robot

Ironman Welding Society

Ironman from the American Welding Society

Mechanical Sorting

Mechanical Sorting lab


Just because it’s awesome 🙂

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Were you at HI-TEC? What did you think of this year’s conference?


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