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Hello to Our Newest Partner

Meet David Pope, lead representative for our newest Convergence Technology Center partner college, Ozarks Technical Community College. David holds a Bachelor of Arts in English from Missouri State University. Prior to joining OTC, David worked in hospital information systems for five years, and has worked in collections, legal investigation, and game design. Currently, David teaches…

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Ride ‘Em, NetRiders

We always like to hear about accomplishments of students from our Convergence College Network (CCN) member schools. Belicia Miraval Albornoz, an instructor at El Centro College in Dallas, send word to us about recent success three of her IT students had at Cisco’s NetRiders competition. NetRiders is an online interactive contest that utilizes Cisco’s web…

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What is the CCN?

The CTC (National Convergence Technology Center) focuses on four areas of Training, Leadership, Student Recruitment and Retention, and Community. Training involves professional development events and resources; leadership is our BILT where we work with business professionals to see the trends in needed skills and abilities they want to see in graduates and how we can…

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Cross-border Collaboration

Just last week, our very own PI, Dr. Ann Beheler presented at a technology conference unlike any other she has presented at in the past. What was so special about this conference, you may ask?  Well, this particular event happened to be in Banff, Alberta, Canada. The Cybera Cyber Summit 2014 was a two day…

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2013 Highlights

  2013 was the first full calendar year for the Convergence Technology Center acting as a National ATE Center.  It was a busy twelve months of conferences, professional development, special projects, and meetings.  Lots of meetings. We decided to take a moment to reflect on last year and asked some of our grant partners to…

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How to build a lab on $5 a day

At our summer CCN meeting, Bill Saichek of Orange Coast College, shared some of his secrets on how he was able to get a lot of equipment for his lab, without spending a lot of money. Some of his main strategies include: Acquiring the college’s older hardware Repurposing hardware to do things the manufacturers say…

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Bringing administrators into the conversation

The National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) recently held its first-ever meeting for Convergence College Network (CCN) administrators.  The National CTC has long led an active and engaged group of faculty members, but recently realized it may be helpful to create a new opportunity for discussion at a higher administrative level. The conference call/webinar meeting was…

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A tree grows in Texas

  The Convergence College Network (CCN) began with the National Convergence Technology Center (CTC) and just a handful of partner colleges.  Back then the CCN was called the Mentored College Network.  But as the CTC added more and more colleges, it became necessary to rethink the model.  Rather than mentor each college one-on-one, the CTC…

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