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V. Celeste Carter, PhD

Lead ATE Program Director Division of Undergraduate Education
National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation (NSF) awards grants to support research and education in science and engineering. With an emphasis on two-year colleges, NSF’s Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program focuses on the education of technicians for the high-technology fields that drive the nation’s economy.

Through the use of ATE programs, specifically CSEC, we were able to illustrate to our employees the importance of both cyber and physical security. The classes brought an awareness to our employees that their actions are vital in helping to secure our networks.”


Rufus Glasper, PhD

President & CEO
League for Innovation in the Community College

The League for Innovation in the Community College is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to catalyzing the dynamism of community colleges. With more than 800 institutions in its League Alliance and 160 corporate partners, the league hosts conferences and institutes, develops print and digital resources, and leads initiatives.

The league shares ATE’s focus on innovation, learning, diversity, and quality at community colleges. While chancellor of the Maricopa Community Colleges I enjoyed observing faculty test their ideas for improving STEM education with ATE support. The ATE projects and center that Maricopa has been privileged to host sparked innovations that benefit students, employers, the communities served by the 10-college district, and the nation.


Walter G. Bumphus, PhD

President & CEO
American Association of Community Colleges

The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) is the primary advocacy organization for the nation’s community colleges representing nearly 1,200 two-year, associate degree-granting institutions and more than 13 million students. Uniquely dedicated to access and success for all students, AACC’s member colleges provide an on-ramp to degree attainment, career training, and are a gateway to the middle-class for many Americans.

AACC is proud to serve as a long-standing partner of the National Science Foundation’s ATE program, which provides invaluable support to our nation’s community colleges enabling them to expand institutional capacity, develop effective collaborations with industry, and strengthen innovative STEM technician education programs across the country.


Karen A. Stout, EdD

President & CEO
Achieving the Dream
Former President of Montgomery County
Community College
Host Institution of the Northeast
Biomanufacturing Center & Collaborative (NBC2)

Achieving the Dream, Inc., is a national nonprofit dedicated to helping more community college students, particularly low-income students and students of color, stay in school and earn a college certificate or degree.

Community colleges play an increasingly vital role in strengthening students’ technical skills so they are prepared for STEM careers that offer familysustaining wages. Achieving the Dream helps community colleges in our network come together through peer learning communities to share information about practices and policies that ensure STEM career pathways play an essential role in their student success efforts. ATE provides exactly the kind of research-based information about innovative technical teaching and learning that our colleges expect from us.